Discussion, observations and notes about Swimming and Diving in and around Macomb County
Why do we need a Macomb County Swimming and Diving Blog?
With five divisions and 28 teams (in the MAC), it not possible for one person to keep up with the accomplishments of the athletes and the teams in Macomb County.
This brings up an additional point. I would like this blog to cover the teams that compete in Macomb County. Almost all of the Macomb County based swimming and diving teams compete in the MAC. Therefore, we will be covering some Oakland, Wayne and St Clair County teams as well. We also have De La Salle located in Macomb County, so we need to make sure they are included as well.
I am not trying strictly portray Macomb County Swimming and Diving from only my perspective. To that end, I am looking for contributors from all five Divisions and also from DLS. Even better would be a correspondent from each team that would post a recap of the previous weeks meets, outstanding practices or events.
I will also try to include links to sites that cover Macomb County and MAC sports and Athletes.
Enough for now - I have to go prepare milk and cookies for Santa (yes my boys believe in Santa) - note the first post on this Blog was Dec 24th 2007
please note: this blog has been up for over a year now, and I have never had to moderate or delete comments, until now. I will be happy to return to an uncensored forum, when some of the children that have posted recently, learn some manners.
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Thursday, March 20, 2008
2008 Macomb All County Teams
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Macomb County Swimmers/Divers @ D2 Nationals
Justin Shields (Chesterfield, Mich./Anchor Bay) came in 29th (1:42.36).
Diver Cayce Bolt (Sterling Hts., Mich./Warren Mott) was fifth in Thursday's
one-meter final with a score of 437.60.
Open Diving Discussion
With the 07-08 diving seasons now over, it's time to congratulate those who earned MISCA awards for the guy's season and to look forward to addressing changes needed for next year while the season is still fresh in our minds. First things first - congrats to the following MISCA Dive Coaches of the Year for the 07-08 guy's season:
D1 - Eric Gale - East Kentwood - 31 pts.
D2 - Rachel Herpin - B.C. Lakeview - 26 pts.
D3 - Don Mason - Lahser - 36 pts.
The following divers will be receiving MISCA Diver of the Year awards as well:
D1 - Joe Smith - Caledonia/Byron Center
D2 - Jordan Long - Grosse Pointe South
D3 - Collin O'Brien - East Grand Rapids
***Jordan Long will also be the representative diver on the newly formed "MISCA Swim and Dive Dream Team" to be released to media outlets soon.
It was decided at the MISCA diving business meeting that the top 12 divers from each division at the MHSAA finals will be granted an automatic qualification into next year's MISCA diving meet. While the top 16 used to automatically qualify, this adjustment was made to accommodate the addition of the third division. In addition to this change, next year divers/coaches will have to confirm their entry into the meet by submitting a text version of their diving lists at least three days before the meet. Any diver that confirms his/her entry will be responsible for entry fees regardless of situation. We are trying to ensure that there is ample time to notify alternates before the date of the meet (this year at the guy's MISCA meet the 45th and 46th ranked entries dove in the meet simply because they were the only alternates present. While I think it's important for all alternates to come and watch even if they fail to qualify, the current system provides an unfair advantage to meet alternates living on the East side of the State).
At the last MHSAA committee meeting, a couple of diving changes were proposed. Please read the following carefully and provide any feedback you deem necessary. This e-mail is meant to poll the Michigan diving community and gain input to best meet the needs and desires of all those associated with diving in the State. The first change looks like it'll make it through the process with no problems, and I need feedback regarding the second proposal:
Proposal #1:
Currently, divers can qualify for the Regional meets at their conference/year-ending invitation meets. The rule right now states that each meet will give Regional qualifications to the top X finishers at the conference meet. X = the amount of teams with divers entered PLUS the amount of returning MHSAA State meet finalists (top 16). The proposed change is to replace the word "finalists" with "participants" (top 36).
Rationale - Three regional meets were added with the third division, yet no effort was made to increase the pool of regional qualifiers to fill these additional regional meets. This proposed change should help to ensure that divers from stronger conferences have a greater shot at qualifying for the State meet. While this may not be enough to alleviate the current "drought" of regional participants, it is my belief that this is a step in the right direction. The input received and data analyzed pointed that this was a better method than simply dropping the current win requirement to 4 wins; those in strong conferences would still have difficulty getting their 4 wins and the regional meets would increase with lower skilled divers less likely to qualify for the State meet. Reminder - in dual meets where divers have no competitors to dive against, a "win" IS still awarded to divers as long as the diving event is run. Also, a "win" can only be earned in dual meets - not invitational meets (unless all teams are scored against each other as dual meets).
The second proposal was tabled pending further review and input, and I ask that you please RESPOND WITH YOUR THOUGHTS ON THIS PROPOSAL. Bear with me here; while this seems really confusing, it really isn't that difficult and a plug & play excel spreadsheet would be utilized to do the calculations.
Proposal #2:
Currently, the top 12 divers from each of the three regions in each division qualify for the MHSAA State meet. The proposed change would alter this structure and provide additional spots to regions based on the performance of each region in the previous year (very similar to the NCAA). According to this proposal, each Region would be guaranteed at least 9 qualifiers for the MHSAA State meet. The other 9 qualification spots would be determined by a combination and average of two factors:
1) The top nine returning divers from the previous year's State meet would each earn an additional qualifier for their respective regions
2) Each region would earn additional qualifying spots based on the percentage of points earned at the previous year's State meet. In other words, if Region 9 earned 66% of the points at the D3 State meet, they would be given an additional 6 qualifiers (66% of 9 = 6), giving the region 15 qualifiers for the next year's MHSAA state meet.
The amount of qualifiers from each region would be calculated (an average of 1 & 2) and released publicly along with the next year's swimming State Cuts (although I'd distribute the spreadsheet so anyone can easily figure it out and more than likely include the information in an e-mail after each State meet).
Applying this formula to the '07 girl's season, the amount of qualifiers from each region next year would look like the following:
Region 1 - 15
Region 2 - 10
Region 3 - 11
Region 4 - 11
Region 5 - 9
Region 6 - 16
Region 7 - 10
Region 8 - 10
Region 9 - 16
Comparatively, I think the guy's D1 (haven't had time to figure out the rest) would look like this:
Region 1 - 12
Region 2 - 11
Region 3 - 13
Rationale-The goal of the regional meets is to get the best 36 divers at the State meet. Currently, we are getting the best 12 divers from each region, and this isn't the same. A great example of the failure of our current system was with Region 9 for the girl's season. All 12 divers from region 9 were finalists (top 16) at the State meet. I'm guessing the girl who missed the cut (13th by less than 4 points) in region 9 had a pretty good shot at placing at the State meet as well. Her 316.05 wasn't enough to get into the State meet, yet the 12th place, 223.15 from region 8 got to dive in the State meet. The proposed formula looks at both the depth of a region as well as the top-tiered talent and makes great strides at improving the qualification process to get the BEST 36 divers at the State meet. Another suggestion was to only have TWO regional meets for each division, yet with travel time, missed school (on a Tuesday), and way overcrowded boards during warm-up, this didn't option doesn't really fly very well.
Please consider this proposal and provide me with feedback so we can best address this issue.
Proposal #3
If coaches don't like proposal #2 or we're unable to get it through committee, then the alternative would be to attempt to (the key word is "attempt") to set up a feedback session with the MHSAA on their drawing of regional lines. I've discussed this with several coaches and the moving of 6 or 7 "on-the-line" schools from one Region to the next would help tremendously with the misappropriation of strength within individual regions. Regardless, something needs to be done about this issue.
Proposal #4
Swim coaches are still working on the issue of the MHSAA not allowing exhibition swims to qualify for state cuts. The changing of this rule could also affect the earning of "wins" in dual meets, with the possibility that an exhibition diver could still earn a "win." This would be especially helpful for larger diving teams with more than three State-meet caliber divers. Just something to keep our eyes on.
The MISCA annual golf outing is May 16th-18th at Garland Resort in Lewiston, Michigan. There are still some spots available. More information on this event can be found at MISCA.net. This is a very affordable outing, and golfers of all abilities (and lack-there-of) are present and welcome. There is no better way to get to know over 30 fellow Michigan coaches than by partaking in this fun-filled weekend. A good time is always had by all and I'll even back this with a money-back guarantee. While the deadline was March 7th, there are still a few spots available. Sign up today (money-back guarantee void in Michigan).
Again, please provide some input on the proposals described. And as always, please feel free to share any comments or questions. Best wishes to all during this off season. I'll continue to update with any information as it becomes available to me. Thanks.
Divingly Yours,
-Brad Huttenga (MISCA Dive Chair)
Brad Huttenga
Ann Arbor Huron H.S.
English Dept.
Men's/Women's Diving
Hi Brad,
Thanks for all of your efforts to keep us informed, it is a big job, and you do it well.
As for Proposal 1, I'm all for it. Some of the conferences deserve the extra spots!
As for #'s 2 and 3, I would prefer proposal 3. Proposal 2 could set up a situation that is self perpetuating. If you have more qualifiers from one division, are you more likely to have more individuals from that division placing higher at the State Meet?
Also in proposal 2, if you use points instead of places first and eighth place are more heavily weighted than the other places. If you replaced the word points with places (or each place equals1 point, for a pool of 16 points, instead of dividing up 155 points), I would find it more palatable, but I still prefer proposal 3.
Proposal 4 could be interesting.
I look forward to seeing what everyone thinks about the proposed changes.
John Pearson
Romeo High School
Dive/Assistant Swim Coach
Brad -
#1 Thank you for doing this - and taking your time to facilitate discussion and provide a means to coordinate ideas from the dive coaches in our State.
#2 I support Proposals 1 & 2. Proposal 4 - I'd like for exhibition divers to continue to use a "win" as a "win." It sounds like this could be affected by a decision in this area. I think we need more divers @ regionals and will support measures to increase the numbers until we consistently get more than 30; but draw the line at dropping qualifying wins to 4.
#3 I want to open a discussion on the MISCA "Coach of the Year" Zone Awards given at MISCA banquets. Why does MISCA only [seem to] give a "Coach of the Year" award to whoever happens to win the "Swim Coach of the Year" from each Zone? Could MISCA also give a similar one to the Dive Coach? Or, if a Dive Coach's diver(s) performed so well as to suggest that the "Coach" of the year from that Zone be (gasp) a Diving Coach? After all, our sport is called "Swimming AND Diving."
I certainly welcome thoughts and feedback.
Best wishes for continued success,
Bruce Foster
Haslett Diving
I agree with you on the fact that it should be 16 pts. for 1st and 1 point for 16th, without the extra points for 1st, 8th, and 9th. I do still like the proposal though; I was concerned with a self-perpetuating situation, yet the more I looked at it, I don't think the 12th,13th-16th diver should matter too much for scoring (which is why we're looking at the top 16 versus the top 20 or 27 divers). If they do make a scoring difference, then I'm glad they made it and the policy is working quite well. Each region should still have a quality chance at making the top 16. It may not even matter - we'll see how the coaches like it.
On another note, thanks again for all your work as well. You've picked up quite a bit of my slack lately and have done an excellent job at helping with the running of and communication about meets in Michigan. Thanks.
We all agree adjustments need to be made. The best part of this entire thing, is that there is open discussion about diving and the changes that need to be made. I will obviously go along with the consensus. The 'weighted' regional may achieve the desired result. Often times when we want to make changes, we actually just need to make the change and give the change a chance. We always have the option to evaluate the change at a future date.
As to the communication and helping with the various meets, your welcome. Its fun to be involved, and I have enjoyed getting to know more of the Coaches from around the State.
Take care,
Thanks for compiling all of this information. I don't think people realize how much you have improved high school diving with all of your communications.
I'm in favor of Proposal #1. With our numbers down at regionals we need to include more divers.
I believe everyone wants the best divers to be at State Meet the question is how to make sure that this occurs.
I like proposal #3 better than #2 for many reasons. I believe we can make small changes in which schools go to which regionals and keep are current format in place.
Also, I am in a unique situation where our girls would have 10 and our boys would have 15 or 16.
The problems I have with Proposal #2 are based upon when we moved from Class A to Class B. At that time Class A qualified 12 divers out of 3 regionals and Class B qualified 18 divers out of two. I remember how much different it was. The pressure was remarkably less on the divers. More spots made it a totally different meet. If we created a similar situation I believe the pressure on the divers in the smaller regions would be much greater than those in larger regions and that would create a very uneven playing field.
I also have a problem with increasing the odds at state meet and using that to create the regional numbers. I know that the divers would have to dive well to get the places but 44% (16 out of 36) is totally different from 28% (10 out of 36). I believe that having more divers (more chances to final) would lead to a self perpetuating cycle of more divers for certain regions.
Along with more divers also comes a perception of better divers. Region X is better so they should get scored better. Creating a bias like this would not be good for our sport and should be avoided. Would the next step be to have more judges from Region X because they have more divers?
The idea that we can make a spread sheet that shows everyone what the numbers are is also not as easy as you think. We can drop out the graduating seniors but what about a diver who gets hurt, quits or moves away during the season. The numbers would change during the season every time a diver has an accident, doesn't make regionals or any other of a litany of problems that may occur. Would we have to update the spreadsheet before regionals?
And the biggest problem I have is that it will increase the politics at State Meet. We are all smart enough to realize that if I score my Regions divers higher we will get more spots. The judging will get worse in a very predictable way. The judging at State Meet has come a long way towards scoring the divers as fair as possible and this would ultimately lead us to supporting our regions and scoring the divers as fairly would become a lower priority.
We need to create the fairest State Meet possible and I see this leading us in the other direction.
Don Mason
I think the best method might be to blend a couple different proposals.
First, cut the base number of qualifiers per region to 8 per region.
Second, based on the previous seasons state finals results, the regions with the top 12 returning divers from the state finals, get one additional qualifier per top 12 returning athlete.
This type system would not allow a "free pass" to anyone as has been suggested in one proposal. All competitors would need to still earn their way to the finals.
The field would still be kept at the current size of 36 divers.
The stronger regions would be rewarded for having better divers.
By using the returning athletes, you don't give a region credit for something that happened the previous season with a bunch of athletes that have graduated.
from mlive
Romeo Observer March 13 2008

(Photo courtesy of Denise Laurain)
Utica High School Ulumni D2 All American

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
All County Banquet
Sunday, March 9, 2008
David Cockell GPS
D1 State Finals
Licensed to Pointe Aquatics Hy-Tek's Meet Manager 3/8/2008 05:12 PM
2008 MHSAA Boys Division 1 Swim Championships - 3/7/2008 to 3/8/2008
2008 MHSAA Division 1 Championship
Hosted by Oakland University
Event 1 Boys 200 Yard Medley Relay
School Prelims Finals
A - Final
1 Grand Haven High School 'A' 1:35.06 1:34.40
1) Johnson, Erik 09 2) Lintjer, Jason 12
3) Beebe, Aaron 12 4) Heyblom, Jake 12
25.82 25.45 22.27 20.86
2 Ann Arbor Huron-MI 'A' 1:37.08 1:36.75
1) Richardson, Pat 11 2) Swain, Michael 11
3) Berloth, Chris 12 4) Gorine, John 11
25.25 27.33 22.89 21.28
3 Ann Arbor Pioneer 'A' 1:37.94 1:37.02
1) Nichols, Robert 11 2) Keeler, Peter 12
3) Anderson, Andrew 12 4) Magner, Thomas 12
24.44 27.13 24.00 21.45
4 Saline High School Boys 'A' 1:39.08 1:38.80
1) Duong, Justin 12 2) DeFauw, Matt 12
3) Engelmeier, Jake 10 4) Wu, Alex 11
25.37 27.71 24.20 21.52
5 Forest Hills 'A' 1:39.45 1:39.27
1) Harris, Taylor S 12 2) VonEhr, Kurt P 11
3) Mason, Ben D 11 4) Gifford, Kyle W 12
24.31 27.78 24.58 22.60
6 Hartland 'A' 1:39.53 1:39.29
1) Havenhill, Jonathon 12 2) Chodos, Ben 10
3) Malec, Anthony 11 4) Smith, Kyle 12
25.71 27.02 24.90 21.66
7 South Lyon 'A' 1:39.48 1:39.92
1) Jankowski, Chet 11 2) Oxner, Adam 10
3) Keeney, Ryan 11 4) Bohn, Nathan 12
25.67 26.96 24.64 22.65
-- Brother Rice Warriors 'A' 1:37.38 DQ
1) Brabbins, Jim 12 2) Stetson, Kenny 12
3) Tamm, Brendan 10 4) Barczak, MJ 12
25.05 27.20 24.23 21.01
B - Final
9 Romeo High School-MI 'A' 1:40.47 1:40.39
1) Laurain, Tyler 11 2) Glinski, Mike 11
3) Compeau, Devon 11 4) Raska, Derek 12
26.21 28.20 24.30 21.68
10 East Kentwood 'A' 1:40.52 1:40.91
1) Ibrahimovic, Emir 11 2) Szpunar, David 12
3) Garner, Jacob 12 4) Helzer, Kyle 12
26.96 28.25 24.53 21.17
11 Holt 'A' 1:42.49 1:42.02
1) Morgan, Matthew 11 2) Robinson, Nate 12
3) Burgess, Zach 12 4) Thon, Danton 12
26.85 28.47 24.63 22.07
12 West Bloomfield High School 'A' 1:41.35 1:42.11
1) Keselring, Alex 12 2) Greenman, Jordan 12
3) Eubanks, Noah 12 4) Simon, Destin 11
26.76 28.34 24.46 22.55
13 Howell Highlanders 'A' 1:42.34 1:42.46
1) Grabijas, Josh 11 2) Perkins, Alex 10
3) Chapman, Brett 11 4) Palmer, Ethan 10
26.58 28.82 24.50 22.56
14 Novi High School 'A' 1:43.06 1:42.70
1) Meister, Dan 12 2) Chung, Joon 9
3) Kiefer, Danny 12 4) Vincent, Tyler 11
26.54 28.06 25.11 22.99
15 Northville High School-MI 'A' 1:42.82 1:42.88
1) Lubisco, John 10 2) Sheppard, Greg 12
3) Kargula, Joe 12 4) Malloure, Clay 11
26.60 29.70 24.10 22.48
16 Rockford High School 'A' 1:41.78 1:43.25
1) Smith, Spencer 12 2) Ginebaugh, Brian 10
3) Devries, Alex 10 4) Mette, Mike 12
27.77 28.11 24.84 22.53
Event 1 Boys 200 Yard Medley Relay
School Seed Prelims
1 Grand Haven High School 'A' 1:37.37 1:35.06
1) Johnson, Erik 09 2) Lintjer, Jason 12
3) Beebe, Aaron 12 4) Heyblom, Jake 12
26.06 25.65 22.31 21.04
2 Ann Arbor Huron-MI 'A' 1:39.41 1:37.08
1) Richardson, Pat 11 2) Swain, Michael 11
3) Berloth, Chris 12 4) Gorine, John 11
25.19 27.58 22.85 21.46
3 Brother Rice Warriors 'A' 1:39.69 1:37.38
1) Brabbins, Jim 12 2) Stetson, Kenny 12
3) Tamm, Brendan 10 4) Barczak, MJ 12
25.01 27.65 23.78 20.94
4 Ann Arbor Pioneer 'A' 1:39.81 1:37.94
1) Nichols, Robert 11 2) Keeler, Peter 12
3) Anderson, Andrew 12 4) Magner, Thomas 12
24.99 27.30 23.90 21.75
5 Saline High School Boys 'A' 1:40.76 1:39.08
1) Duong, Justin 12 2) DeFauw, Matt 12
3) Engelmeier, Jake 10 4) Wu, Alex 11
25.23 27.75 24.48 21.62
6 Forest Hills 'A' 1:39.93 1:39.45
1) Harris, Taylor S 12 2) VonEhr, Kurt P 11
3) Mason, Ben D 11 4) Gifford, Kyle W 12
24.72 27.72 24.70 22.31
7 South Lyon 'A' 1:42.61 1:39.48
1) Jankowski, Chet 11 2) Oxner, Adam 10
3) Keeney, Ryan 11 4) Bohn, Nathan 12
25.75 26.76 24.76 22.21
8 Hartland 'A' 1:40.30 1:39.53
1) Havenhill, Jonathon 12 2) Chodos, Will 12
3) Malec, Anthony 11 4) Smith, Kyle 12
25.46 27.46 24.64 21.97
9 Romeo High School-MI 'A' 1:43.09 1:40.47
1) Laurain, Tyler 11 2) Glinski, Mike 11
3) Compeau, Devon 11 4) Raska, Derek 12
26.02 28.48 24.22 21.75
10 East Kentwood 'A' 1:41.00 1:40.52
1) Ibrahimovic, Emir 11 2) Szpunar, David 12
3) Garner, Jacob 12 4) Helzer, Kyle 12
26.46 28.13 24.57 21.36
11 West Bloomfield High School 'A' 1:41.62 1:41.35
1) Keselring, Alex 12 2) Greenman, Jordan 12
3) Eubanks, Noah 12 4) Simon, Destin 11
26.62 28.24 24.14 22.35
12 Rockford High School 'A' 1:42.15 1:41.78
1) Smith, Spencer 12 2) Ginebaugh, Brian 10
3) Devries, Alex 10 4) Mette, Mike 12
26.14 28.36 24.87 22.41
13 Howell Highlanders 'A' 1:44.29 1:42.34
1) Grabijas, Josh 11 2) Perkins, Alex 10
3) Chapman, Brett 11 4) Palmer, Ethan 10
26.36 28.81 24.44 22.73
14 Holt 'A' 1:45.01 1:42.49
1) Morgan, Matthew 11 2) Robinson, Nate 12
3) Burgess, Zach 12 4) Thon, Danton 12
27.31 28.22 24.53 22.43
15 Northville High School-MI 'A' 1:43.09 1:42.82
1) Lubisco, John 10 2) Sheppard, Greg 12
3) Kargula, Joe 12 4) Malloure, Clay 11
26.77 29.79 24.00 22.26
16 Novi High School 'A' 1:43.59 1:43.06
1) Meister, Dan 12 2) Chung, Joon 9
3) Kiefer, Danny 12 4) Vincent, Tyler 11
26.44 28.15 25.28 23.19
17 Grandville Boys Swimming-MI 'A' 1:41.18 1:43.44
1) Bergsma, Jason 10 2) Beld, Nate J 10
3) Bergsma, Tyler 10 4) Wynalda, Mike 10
25.72 29.96 25.66 22.10
18 Monroe High Boys-MI 'A' 1:44.86 1:43.45
1) Sancrainte, Jase R 12 2) Mezes, George 12
3) Staelgraeve, Jordon L 10 4) Schultz, Jason T 12
27.14 28.74 25.15 22.42
19 Muskmona-MI 'A' 1:44.28 1:43.53
1) Brown, Adam 12 2) Kuipers, Derek 11
3) Hunt, Jacob 10 4) Fett, Dustyn 11
28.05 28.39 23.86 23.23
20 Catholic Central-MI 'A' 1:44.37 1:43.57
1) Brinkman, Joe F 9 2) Radtke, Josh B 12
3) Wick, Mike J 10 4) Thibodeau, Tony C 10
27.67 27.96 24.79 23.15
21 Byron Center 'A' 1:44.51 1:43.81
1) VanderHart, Trevor A 12 2) Tenelshof, Alex J 12
3) Sytsma, Matt R 11 4) Gale, Justin D 09
28.45 28.91 23.52 22.93
22 Brighton High School 'A' 1:42.49 1:43.85
1) McInerney, Brian 12 2) Graetzel, Andrew 11
3) Szpuk, Greg 12 4) Lunau, Jacob 10
27.55 28.46 25.50 22.34
23 West Ottawa High School 'A' 1:43.68 1:44.31
1) Austin, Dayne 12 2) Horner, Pat 12
3) Bosch, Tyler 9 4) Anten, CJ 12
27.46 29.33 25.11 22.41
24 Clarkston Boys-MI 'A' 1:44.17 1:44.82
1) Rush, Jake 11 2) Nelson, Robert 11
3) Voorheis, Philip 12 4) Curry, Adam 12
26.70 29.53 25.57 23.02
25 Plymouth High School 'A' 1:44.51 1:45.09
1) Conger, Mike 12 2) Stoscup, Dan 11
3) Snyder, Paul 11 4) Wilson, Chris 10
26.18 29.24 26.66 23.01
26 Kalamazoo Central High School-MI 'A' 1:44.00 1:45.19
1) Williams, Griffin 12 2) Cunningham-Rhodes, Kyle 12
3) Rauhoff, Justin 12 4) Green, James 12
28.61 28.67 24.41 23.50
27 Salem 'A' 1:44.53 1:45.25
1) Seroka, Adam 9 2) Chen, Sida 12
3) Dunn, Cameron 12 4) Spala, Nathan 12
26.64 28.09 26.97 23.55
28 Jackson High School 'A' 1:44.34 1:46.09
1) Potter, Evan 11 2) Larson, Andrew 10
3) Hesche, Nathan 11 4) Ollila, Matt 11
28.29 30.79 23.88 23.13
-- Stevenson HighSchool-MI 'A' 1:39.81 DQ
1) Luke, Robert 12 2) Wingett, Joey 11
3) Cruce, Mike 11 4) Hermann, Kyle 12
25.17 27.00 23.87 22.12
Event 2 Boys 200 Yard Freestyle
Name Year School Prelims Finals
A - Final
1 Thurston, Dan 12 Huron-MI 1:41.80 1:41.89
24.22 25.83 25.96 25.88
2 Schramm, Mark A 12 Monroe-MI 1:42.03 1:42.43
23.93 25.89 26.40 26.21
3 Bardsley, Jon 12 Mustangs-MI 1:45.02 1:44.09
24.74 26.10 26.66 26.59
4 Mead, Derek 11 Forest Hills 1:44.33 1:44.51
24.18 26.30 27.33 26.70
5 Gauthier, Matt 11 Pioneer 1:43.78 1:44.69
24.73 26.43 27.05 26.48
6 Rose, Andrew 12 Gville-MI 1:44.80 1:45.04
24.99 26.74 26.81 26.50
7 Raska, Derek 12 Bulldogs-MI 1:45.12 1:45.11
24.45 26.21 27.10 27.35
8 Konkle, Kevin 11 Hartland 1:44.99 1:45.98
24.82 26.56 27.07 27.53
B - Final
9 Berlin, AJ 12 EK 1:45.55 1:45.55
25.21 26.71 26.97 26.66
10 Blanzy, Alex 12 Ike-MI 1:45.78 1:46.89
25.05 26.86 27.65 27.33
11 Shade, Jeff 12 KD-MI 1:46.32 1:47.00
24.86 27.18 27.58 27.38
12 Cole, Jeff 12 Gville-MI 1:47.23 1:47.14
25.09 27.03 27.61 27.41
13 Naud, Kevin 10 Pioneer 1:46.94 1:47.20
25.33 26.81 27.56 27.50
14 Hinkson, Jim 11 Colts 1:48.06 1:48.15
25.04 27.09 28.32 27.70
15 Jackson, Jordan 12 EK 1:48.29 1:48.31
25.30 27.41 27.64 27.96
16 Forhan, Dan 12 Wbhs 1:48.27 1:49.15
24.96 27.06 28.25 28.88
Event 2 Boys 200 Yard Freestyle
Name Year School Seed Prelims
1 Thurston, Dan 12 Huron-MI 1:43.09 1:41.80
23.94 25.85 26.03 25.98
2 Schramm, Mark A 12 Monroe-MI 1:43.74 1:42.03
23.79 25.53 26.36 26.35
3 Gauthier, Matt 11 Pioneer 1:45.62 1:43.78
24.63 25.99 26.70 26.46
4 Mead, Derek 11 Forest Hills 1:45.33 1:44.33
24.37 26.14 26.92 26.90
5 Rose, Andrew 12 Gville-MI 1:45.77 1:44.80
24.24 26.13 27.29 27.14
6 Konkle, Kevin 11 Hartland 1:47.41 1:44.99
24.15 26.16 27.11 27.57
7 Bardsley, Jon 12 Mustangs-MI 1:44.92 1:45.02
23.28 26.44 27.57 27.73
8 Raska, Derek 12 Bulldogs-MI 1:46.61 1:45.12
24.78 26.38 26.86 27.10
9 Berlin, AJ 12 EK 1:47.62 1:45.55
24.96 26.81 27.00 26.78
10 Blanzy, Alex 12 Ike-MI 1:48.28 1:45.78
24.84 26.55 26.81 27.58
11 Shade, Jeff 12 KD-MI 1:46.77 1:46.32
24.95 26.87 27.28 27.22
12 Naud, Kevin 10 Pioneer 1:46.48 1:46.94
25.21 26.85 27.34 27.54
13 Cole, Jeff 12 Gville-MI 1:48.34 1:47.23
25.27 27.32 27.53 27.11
14 Hinkson, Jim 11 Colts 1:47.28 1:48.06
25.06 26.94 28.06 28.00
15 Forhan, Dan 12 Wbhs 1:47.39 1:48.27
24.85 27.09 27.96 28.37
16 Jackson, Jordan 12 EK 1:45.99 1:48.29
25.22 27.10 27.66 28.31
17 Engelmeier, Jake 10 SHSB 1:46.58 1:48.43
24.86 26.57 28.07 28.93
18 Lichtenberg, Sam 12 Hartland 1:47.92 1:48.85
25.58 27.49 28.14 27.64
19 Plank, Chase 12 Rams 1:47.82 1:49.00
25.15 27.16 28.38 28.31
20 Small, Brady 10 CC-MI 1:47.31 1:49.29
25.01 27.09 28.33 28.86
Event 3 Boys 200 Yard IM
Name Year School Prelims Finals
A - Final
1 Zennedjian, Michael 12 Rice 1:52.73 1:52.20
24.09 28.79 32.38 26.94
2 Blickle, Brody 12 Mustangs-MI 1:55.72 1:54.68
23.56 28.23 35.54 27.35
3 Berloth, Chris 12 Huron-MI 1:54.94 1:54.92
24.11 29.83 34.06 26.92
4 Harris, Taylor S 12 Forest Hills 1:57.90 1:56.22
24.66 28.47 34.68 28.41
5 Swain, Michael 11 Huron-MI 1:55.26 1:56.41
25.78 29.84 32.92 27.87
6 Keeler, Peter 12 Pioneer 1:57.98 1:57.20
24.89 28.78 35.28 28.25
7 VonEhr, Kurt P 11 Forest Hills 1:58.50 1:59.13
24.95 30.24 35.08 28.86
8 Galerneau, Kevin 10 Ike-MI 1:59.36 1:59.73
25.42 30.44 36.11 27.76
B - Final
9 Conger, Mike 12 Wildcats 2:00.20 1:59.96
24.99 29.28 37.03 28.66
10 Seroka, Adam 9 SLM 2:00.28 2:00.40
26.18 29.93 36.87 27.42
11 Wittig, Sam 10 SHSB 2:01.90 2:01.31
26.42 31.44 35.89 27.56
12 Gregorka, Brian 12 Pioneer 2:02.97 2:01.47
26.13 31.93 35.41 28.00
13 Yunker, AJ 11 Gbhs-MI 2:01.89 2:01.54
26.03 30.02 37.30 28.19
14 Champlin, Derek 9 Hartland 2:02.92 2:01.78
26.95 30.85 35.54 28.44
15 Deaver, Brian 11 Rice 2:01.54 2:01.79
26.67 30.16 36.00 28.96
16 Showerman, Brent 12 SL 2:03.19 2:06.08
27.60 30.86 37.84 29.78
Event 3 Boys 200 Yard IM
Name Year School Seed Prelims
1 Zennedjian, Michael 12 Rice 1:57.17 1:52.73
24.01 28.91 32.67 27.14
2 Berloth, Chris 12 Huron-MI 1:57.89 1:54.94
24.10 30.16 33.97 26.71
3 Swain, Michael 11 Huron-MI 1:57.18 1:55.26
25.74 29.80 31.84 27.88
4 Blickle, Brody 12 Mustangs-MI 1:55.20 1:55.72
24.18 28.51 35.60 27.43
5 Harris, Taylor S 12 Forest Hills 1:58.01 1:57.90
24.71 29.48 34.79 28.92
6 Keeler, Peter 12 Pioneer 1:59.92 1:57.98
25.00 29.32 35.63 28.03
7 VonEhr, Kurt P 11 Forest Hills 1:58.70 1:58.50
25.37 29.98 34.90 28.25
8 Galerneau, Kevin 10 Ike-MI 2:00.58 1:59.36
26.29 30.23 35.73 27.11
9 Conger, Mike 12 Wildcats 2:00.98 2:00.20
25.80 28.98 37.10 28.32
10 Seroka, Adam 9 SLM 1:59.99 2:00.28
26.31 30.16 36.31 27.50
11 Deaver, Brian 11 Rice 2:04.36 2:01.54
26.60 30.64 35.26 29.04
12 Yunker, AJ 11 Gbhs-MI 2:03.05 2:01.89
25.84 29.70 37.24 29.11
13 Wittig, Sam 10 SHSB 2:04.30 2:01.90
26.76 31.00 36.15 27.99
14 Hunt, Jacob 10 Mona Shores High-MI 2:02.66 2:02.79
25.71 30.59 38.08 28.41
15 Champlin, Derek 9 Hartland 2:03.83 2:02.92
26.80 31.82 35.98 28.32
16 Gregorka, Brian 12 Pioneer 2:01.58 2:02.97
26.59 32.26 35.80 28.32
17 Showerman, Brent 12 SL 2:03.96 2:03.19
27.24 30.17 36.81 28.97
18 Robinson, Nate 12 Hlt 2:03.87 2:03.54
26.13 31.12 36.66 29.63
19 Toner, Michael 10 Huron-MI 2:03.37 2:03.85
26.52 29.32 38.75 29.26
20 Ellett, Jesse 11 Hartland 2:03.65 2:03.87
27.61 31.05 36.92 28.29
21 Boyea, Max 10 Pioneer 2:03.33 2:03.88
27.15 30.94 37.46 28.33
22 Sheppard, Greg 12 Mustangs-MI 2:01.51 2:03.91
26.76 30.62 37.07 29.46
23 Lin, Mike 11 Colts 2:04.02 2:04.73
27.22 31.25 36.79 29.47
Event 4 Boys 50 Yard Freestyle
Name Year School Prelims Finals
A - Final
1 Hoekstra, Sam T 11 Gville-MI 21.15 21.37
2 Heyblom, Jake 12 Grdhaven 21.66 21.52
3 Lintjer, Jason 12 Grdhaven 21.72 21.64
4 Helzer, Kyle 12 EK 22.19 21.99
5 Cole, Grant 10 Pioneer 22.16 22.01
6 Adams, Kyle 12 Mustangs-MI 22.16 22.02
7 Mrdalj, Nik 11 Pioneer 22.25 22.11
8 Richardson, Pat 11 Huron-MI 22.33 22.33
B - Final
9 Humberstone, Ken 12 West Ottawa 22.36 22.00
10 Sytsma, Matt R 11 BC 22.45 22.26
10 Smith, Kyle 12 Hartland 22.37 22.26
12 Shields, Aaron 10 Anchor Bay-MI 22.36 22.33
13 Wu, Alex 11 SHSB 22.49 22.38
14 Magner, Thomas 12 Pioneer 22.48 22.65
15 Greenland, Garrett 11 Eatrapid 22.39 22.71
16 Lederer, Matt 10 Hfhs 22.50 22.72
Event 4 Boys 50 Yard Freestyle
Name Year School Seed Prelims
1 Hoekstra, Sam T 11 Gville-MI 21.07 21.15
2 Heyblom, Jake 12 Grdhaven 21.69 21.66
3 Lintjer, Jason 12 Grdhaven 21.83 21.72
4 Adams, Kyle 12 Mustangs-MI 22.49 22.16
4 Cole, Grant 10 Pioneer 22.38 22.16
6 Helzer, Kyle 12 EK 22.35 22.19
7 Mrdalj, Nik 11 Pioneer 22.04 22.25
8 Richardson, Pat 11 Huron-MI 22.69 22.33
9 Humberstone, Ken 12 West Ottawa 22.49 22.36
9 Shields, Aaron 10 Anchor Bay-MI 21.95 22.36
11 Smith, Kyle 12 Hartland 22.46 22.37
12 Greenland, Garrett 11 Eatrapid 22.50 22.39
13 Sytsma, Matt R 11 BC 22.29 22.45
14 Magner, Thomas 12 Pioneer 22.60 22.48
15 Wu, Alex 11 SHSB 22.54 22.49
16 Lederer, Matt 10 Hfhs 22.38 22.50
17 Ault, Brian 12 Colts 22.31 22.55
18 Behler, Chris 11 Spartans-MI 22.65 22.62
19 Pelc, Greg 12 Dakota-MI 22.55 22.63
20 Gifford, Kyle W 12 Forest Hills 22.55 22.67
21 Hermann, Kyle 12 Spartans-MI 22.55 22.75
22 Lucas, Kyle 12 Hlt 22.59 22.76
23 Meade, Dan 12 Grdhaven 22.55 22.80
24 Mason, Ben D 11 Forest Hills 22.55 22.90
25 Anten, CJ 12 West Ottawa 22.65 22.92
26 Tamm, Brendan 10 Rice 22.63 22.95
Event 5 Boys 1 mtr Diving
Name Year School Semis Finals
1 Smith, Joe 12 BC 283.05 403.00
2 Douglas, Kevin 12 EK 244.65 355.80
3 Chambers, Joel 11 SHSB 250.45 351.00
4 Schwem, Cody 12 Hlt 259.95 350.70
5 Akers, Brian 12 EK 234.25 347.90
6 Day, Nathan 12 Gbhs-MI 241.35 341.10
7 Elliott, Michael 12 Bulldogs-MI 240.25 331.10
8 Camalo, Jeff 9 Huron-MI 247.95 323.25
9 Craycraft, David 11 Grdhaven 234.50 322.15
10 Nemetz, Nick 9 Pioneer 233.65 320.35
11 Driesenga, Darrin 11 West Ottawa 240.25 319.70
12 Fuller, Andrew 9 Rams 235.05 314.10
13 Smith, Janssen KD-MI 231.25 311.50
14 Goode, Kelsey 11 Kalamazoo-MI 239.30 311.45
15 Remenapp, Hank 10 SHSB 226.75 307.50
16 Denys, Jon 12 SL 231.45 306.95
Event 5 Boys 1 mtr Diving
Name Year School Prelims Semis
1 Smith, Joe 12 BC 283.05 283.05
2 Schwem, Cody 12 Hlt 259.95 259.95
3 Chambers, Joel 11 SHSB 250.45 250.45
4 Camalo, Jeff 9 Huron-MI 247.95 247.95
5 Douglas, Kevin 12 EK 244.65 244.65
6 Day, Nathan 12 Gbhs-MI 241.35 241.35
7 Driesenga, Darrin 11 West Ottawa 240.25 240.25
7 Elliott, Michael 12 Bulldogs-MI 240.25 240.25
9 Goode, Kelsey 11 Kalamazoo-MI 239.30 239.30
10 Fuller, Andrew 9 Rams 235.05 235.05
11 Craycraft, David 11 Grdhaven 234.50 234.50
12 Akers, Brian 12 EK 234.25 234.25
13 Nemetz, Nick 9 Pioneer 233.65 233.65
14 Denys, Jon 12 SL 231.45 231.45
15 Smith, Janssen KD-MI 231.85 231.25
16 Remenapp, Hank 10 SHSB 226.75 226.75
17 Kenrick, Kenny 11 Grdhaven 223.25 223.25
18 Winsor, Kyle 12 Hlt 222.80 222.80
19 Beyer, Bryce 10 Hfhs 219.05 219.05
20 Mehlhaff, Kyle 12 SL 216.25 216.25
21 Griffith, Michael 10 Brighton 138.00 138.00
22 Weatherspoon, Mark 12 TAYLO 137.00 137.00
23 Zendejas, Jordan Clkston-MI 135.80 135.80
24 Parzuchowski, Aaron 12 SL 133.35 133.35
Event 5 Boys 1 mtr Diving
Name Year School Seed Prelims
1 Smith, Joe 12 BC 485.63 283.05
2 Schwem, Cody 12 Hlt 285.35 259.95
3 Chambers, Joel 11 SHSB 370.40 250.45
4 Camalo, Jeff 9 Huron-MI NT 247.95
5 Douglas, Kevin 12 EK 263.90 244.65
6 Day, Nathan 12 Gbhs-MI 244.85 241.35
7 Elliott, Michael 12 Bulldogs-MI 239.95 240.25
7 Driesenga, Darrin 11 West Ottawa NT 240.25
9 Goode, Kelsey 11 Kalamazoo-MI NT 239.30
10 Fuller, Andrew 9 Rams 193.45 235.05
11 Craycraft, David 11 Grdhaven 324.20 234.50
12 Akers, Brian 12 EK 268.80 234.25
13 Nemetz, Nick 9 Pioneer NT 233.65
14 Smith, Janssen KD-MI NT 231.85
15 Denys, Jon 12 SL 202.75 231.45
16 Remenapp, Hank 10 SHSB 357.65 226.75
17 Kenrick, Kenny 11 Grdhaven 311.85 223.25
18 Winsor, Kyle 12 Hlt 249.85 222.80
19 Beyer, Bryce 10 Hfhs 331.85 219.05
20 Mehlhaff, Kyle 12 SL 190.60 216.25
21 Griffith, Michael 10 Brighton 185.50 138.00
22 Weatherspoon, Mark 12 TAYLO NT 137.00
23 Zendejas, Jordan Clkston-MI NT 135.80
24 Parzuchowski, Aaron 12 SL 202.90 133.35
25 Wilkins, Troy 11 Everett NT 133.10
26 Davis, Justin 10 Lake Orion NT 132.70
27 Rodriquez, Quinton 11 Rams 205.15 130.85
28 Owens, Anthony 12 Gbhs-MI NT 130.60
29 Hang, Lance 12 COUS NT 130.05
30 Bradley, Winston 12 Chipvall-MI NT 127.80
31 Smith, Kevin 12 SLM NT 126.40
32 Eng, Doug 10 Troy Athens NT 126.15
33 Bain, Kevin 9 Mustangs-MI NT 124.75
34 Waldron, Jake FLUSH NT 121.15
35 Meyer, Devin 12 Dakota-MI NT 117.60
36 DeFauw, Dennis 11 ROSE NT 113.50
Event 6 Boys 100 Yard Butterfly
Name Year School Prelims Finals
A - Final
1 Berloth, Chris 12 Huron-MI 50.71 50.68
23.71 26.97
2 Beebe, Aaron 12 Grdhaven 50.77 50.97
23.51 27.46
3 Blickle, Brody 12 Mustangs-MI 51.43 50.98
23.63 27.35
4 Harris, Taylor S 12 Forest Hills 53.02 51.10
23.93 27.17
5 Galerneau, Kevin 10 Ike-MI 52.90 51.83
24.39 27.44
6 Brabbins, Jim 12 Rice 52.93 52.43
24.26 28.17
7 Luke, Robert 12 Spartans-MI 53.15 52.55
24.83 27.72
8 Rauhoff, Justin 12 Kalamazoo-MI 53.07 53.50
25.00 28.50
B - Final
9 Wood, Dylan 11 Huron-MI 53.68 53.67
25.05 28.62
10 Cruce, Mike 11 Spartans-MI 54.17 53.69
25.01 28.68
11 Yunker, AJ 11 Gbhs-MI 54.10 53.76
25.10 28.66
12 Anderson, Andrew 12 Pioneer 53.67 53.90
24.87 29.03
13 Garner, Jacob 12 EK 54.38 54.17
25.19 28.98
14 Eubanks, Noah 12 Wbhs 53.98 54.53
25.27 29.26
15 Jankowski, Chet 11 SL 54.23 54.64
25.39 29.25
16 Kargula, Joe 12 Mustangs-MI 54.28 54.96
25.31 29.65
Event 6 Boys 100 Yard Butterfly
Name Year School Seed Prelims
1 Berloth, Chris 12 Huron-MI 52.90 50.71
24.09 26.62
2 Beebe, Aaron 12 Grdhaven 52.18 50.77
23.64 27.13
3 Blickle, Brody 12 Mustangs-MI 52.57 51.43
24.17 27.26
4 Galerneau, Kevin 10 Ike-MI 53.95 52.90
25.12 27.78
5 Brabbins, Jim 12 Rice 53.98 52.93
24.67 28.26
6 Harris, Taylor S 12 Forest Hills 52.46 53.02
24.66 28.36
7 Rauhoff, Justin 12 Kalamazoo-MI 53.78 53.07
24.87 28.20
8 Luke, Robert 12 Spartans-MI 53.63 53.15
24.88 28.27
9 Anderson, Andrew 12 Pioneer 54.87 53.67
24.91 28.76
10 Wood, Dylan 11 Huron-MI 55.13 53.68
24.50 29.18
11 Eubanks, Noah 12 Wbhs 53.72 53.98
25.48 28.50
12 Yunker, AJ 11 Gbhs-MI 54.24 54.10
25.40 28.70
13 Cruce, Mike 11 Spartans-MI 53.68 54.17
25.18 28.99
14 Jankowski, Chet 11 SL 55.21 54.23
24.99 29.24
15 Kargula, Joe 12 Mustangs-MI 54.25 54.28
25.27 29.01
16 Garner, Jacob 12 EK 54.25 J54.38
25.39 28.99
17 Devries, Alex 10 Rams 54.53 J54.38
25.13 29.25
18 Greenman, Jordan 12 Wbhs 54.03 54.48
24.95 29.53
19 Engelman, Kevin A 12 Lcn Crusaders 54.41 54.53
25.19 29.34
20 Tamm, Brendan 10 Rice 54.02 54.57
25.34 29.23
21 Blanzy, Alex 12 Ike-MI 54.11 54.69
25.89 28.80
22 Hunt, Jacob 10 Mona Shores High-MI 53.07 54.78
25.51 29.27
23 Jensen, Kevin 12 Pioneer 55.16 54.79
25.26 29.53
24 Lunn, Nate 10 Mustangs-MI 55.01 54.91
25.80 29.11
25 Hesche, Nathan 11 Jhs 54.13 54.95
25.20 29.75
Event 7 Boys 100 Yard Freestyle
Name Year School Prelims Finals
A - Final
1 Hoekstra, Sam T 11 Gville-MI 46.75 46.07
22.02 24.05
2 Heyblom, Jake 12 Grdhaven 47.58 47.36
22.45 24.91
3 Barczak, MJ 12 Rice 47.52 47.69
22.97 24.72
4 Nichols, Robert 11 Pioneer 47.97 47.75
23.10 24.65
5 Mrdalj, Nik 11 Pioneer 48.25 48.17
22.92 25.25
6 Gorine, John 11 Huron-MI 47.86 48.51
23.33 25.18
7 Lederer, Matt 10 Hfhs 48.21 48.62
23.57 25.05
8 Konkle, Kevin 11 Hartland 48.49 49.38
23.68 25.70
B - Final
9 Cole, Grant 10 Pioneer 49.47 48.57
22.99 25.58
10 Adams, Kyle 12 Mustangs-MI 48.68 48.62
23.36 25.26
11 Lucas, Kyle 12 Hlt 49.70 48.82
23.36 25.46
12 Ault, Brian 12 Colts 48.80 48.95
23.57 25.38
13 Plank, Chase 12 Rams 49.65 49.13
23.51 25.62
14 Chapman, Brett 11 Hhs 48.81 49.20
23.66 25.54
15 Burgess, Zach 12 Hlt 49.56 49.84
23.95 25.89
-- Pelc, Greg 12 Dakota-MI 49.02 DQ
23.43 26.23
Event 7 Boys 100 Yard Freestyle
Name Year School Seed Prelims
1 Hoekstra, Sam T 11 Gville-MI 46.75 46.75
22.70 24.05
2 Barczak, MJ 12 Rice 47.92 47.52
22.70 24.82
3 Heyblom, Jake 12 Grdhaven 47.56 47.58
22.51 25.07
4 Gorine, John 11 Huron-MI 48.82 47.86
22.88 24.98
5 Nichols, Robert 11 Pioneer 48.57 47.97
23.23 24.74
6 Lederer, Matt 10 Hfhs 48.29 48.21
23.43 24.78
7 Mrdalj, Nik 11 Pioneer 48.86 48.25
22.93 25.32
8 Konkle, Kevin 11 Hartland 49.42 48.49
23.26 25.23
9 Adams, Kyle 12 Mustangs-MI 49.25 48.68
23.30 25.38
10 Ault, Brian 12 Colts 48.79 48.80
23.54 25.26
11 Chapman, Brett 11 Hhs 48.91 48.81
23.61 25.20
12 Pelc, Greg 12 Dakota-MI 49.42 49.02
23.42 25.60
13 Cole, Grant 10 Pioneer 49.28 49.47
23.64 25.83
14 Burgess, Zach 12 Hlt 49.69 49.56
23.49 26.07
15 Plank, Chase 12 Rams 49.61 49.65
23.85 25.80
16 Lucas, Kyle 12 Hlt 49.19 49.70
23.69 26.01
17 Small, Brady 10 CC-MI 49.07 49.73
24.01 25.72
18 Jackson, Jordan 12 EK 49.24 49.78
23.95 25.83
19 McCann, Tyler 12 FLUSH 49.40 49.93
23.77 26.16
19 Forhan, Dan 12 Wbhs 49.48 49.93
24.24 25.69
21 Behler, Chris 11 Spartans-MI 49.31 50.57
24.31 26.26
22 Kung, Daniel 11 SHSB 49.69 51.12
24.06 27.06
23 Shields, Aaron 10 Anchor Bay-MI 48.91 53.86
25.13 28.73
Event 8 Boys 500 Yard Freestyle
Name Year School Prelims Finals
A - Final
1 Thurston, Dan 12 Huron-MI 4:39.00 4:37.18
25.16 27.39 27.95 28.34 28.21 27.89 28.04 28.03
28.21 27.96
2 Shade, Jeff 12 KD-MI 4:44.52 4:41.94
25.58 27.70 28.19 28.53 28.91 28.87 28.90 28.77
28.96 27.53
3 Schramm, Mark A 12 Monroe-MI 4:41.39 4:42.07
25.04 27.17 27.79 28.34 28.58 28.71 28.96 29.29
29.55 28.64
4 Beebe, Aaron 12 Grdhaven 4:45.07 4:44.57
25.13 27.91 28.72 29.01 29.41 29.46 29.33 29.10
29.24 27.26
5 Mead, Derek 11 Forest Hills 4:44.19 4:44.69
25.60 27.76 28.29 28.79 29.31 29.70 29.64 29.84
29.49 26.27
6 Raska, Derek 12 Bulldogs-MI 4:46.28 4:48.35
25.89 27.81 28.65 29.19 29.23 29.67 29.85 30.06
29.66 28.34
7 Rose, Andrew 12 Gville-MI 4:47.20 4:48.71
25.98 28.23 28.80 29.10 29.65 29.99 29.96 29.57
29.15 28.28
8 Gauthier, Matt 11 Pioneer 4:48.61 4:53.81
26.31 28.59 29.46 30.01 30.37 30.16 30.30 30.11
29.73 28.77
B - Final
9 Bardsley, Jon 12 Mustangs-MI 4:51.08 4:47.41
25.64 28.40 29.10 29.45 29.45 29.18 29.59 29.45
29.19 27.96
10 Seroka, Adam 9 SLM 4:50.97 4:48.05
25.69 28.42 29.10 29.62 29.57 29.72 29.65 29.63
29.23 27.42
11 Hinkson, Jim 11 Colts 4:55.63 4:51.20
26.36 28.29 29.17 29.62 29.74 30.32 29.83 29.61
30.10 28.16
12 Grabijas, Josh 11 Hhs 4:51.06 4:51.22
26.15 28.58 29.41 30.22 29.88 30.23 29.89 29.68
29.62 27.56
13 Cole, Jeff 12 Gville-MI 4:52.18 4:52.16
26.61 28.72 29.86 29.97 29.94 30.41 30.09 30.20
28.64 27.72
14 Anderson, Kyle 10 Pioneer 4:53.77 4:55.45
26.33 29.18 29.42 30.25 30.26 30.35 30.41 30.33
30.00 28.92
15 Fitzgerald, John 11 Grand Ledge 4:55.06 4:59.08
26.01 28.83 29.81 30.12 30.20 30.44 31.10 31.05
31.43 30.09
16 Woods, Bill 12 Uticafrd-MI 4:55.59 4:59.58
26.42 28.81 29.73 30.42 30.64 30.79 30.86 31.15
31.11 29.65
Event 8 Boys 500 Yard Freestyle
Name Year School Seed Prelims
1 Thurston, Dan 12 Huron-MI 4:45.15 4:39.00
24.99 27.34 28.00 28.46 28.41 28.27 28.48 28.68
28.58 27.79
2 Schramm, Mark A 12 Monroe-MI 4:42.57 4:41.39
25.22 27.67 28.22 28.43 28.69 28.65 28.76 29.19
28.79 27.77
3 Mead, Derek 11 Forest Hills 4:48.09 4:44.19
26.10 27.82 28.07 28.92 28.99 28.86 29.33 29.55
29.71 26.84
4 Shade, Jeff 12 KD-MI 4:45.25 4:44.52
25.79 27.92 28.28 28.90 28.67 28.85 29.06 29.32
29.37 28.36
5 Beebe, Aaron 12 Grdhaven 4:48.85 4:45.07
24.90 27.48 28.01 28.70 28.76 29.31 28.86 29.83
29.82 29.40
6 Raska, Derek 12 Bulldogs-MI 4:48.00 4:46.28
25.56 27.77 28.47 29.14 29.39 29.29 29.40 29.11
29.54 28.61
7 Rose, Andrew 12 Gville-MI 4:49.63 4:47.20
27.03 28.42 29.33 29.50 29.32 29.43 29.36 29.06
28.41 27.34
8 Gauthier, Matt 11 Pioneer 4:47.15 4:48.61
26.47 28.64 29.59 29.76 29.82 29.71 29.68 29.73
28.41 26.80
9 Seroka, Adam 9 SLM 4:50.12 4:50.97
26.07 28.71 29.28 29.35 29.63 29.88 29.94 29.96
29.74 28.41
10 Grabijas, Josh 11 Hhs 4:54.74 4:51.06
26.37 28.78 29.48 29.83 29.94 30.17 29.98 29.72
29.28 27.51
11 Bardsley, Jon 12 Mustangs-MI 4:48.46 4:51.08
25.53 28.80 28.86 29.69 29.81 29.90 29.70 29.71
29.69 29.39
12 Cole, Jeff 12 Gville-MI 4:56.82 4:52.18
26.73 29.20 29.37 30.35 30.23 29.92 30.35 29.57
28.80 27.66
13 Anderson, Kyle 10 Pioneer 4:55.06 4:53.77
26.37 29.01 29.58 29.66 29.56 29.84 29.59 30.11
30.44 29.61
14 Fitzgerald, John 11 Grand Ledge 4:57.34 4:55.06
26.27 28.94 29.80 29.84 29.99 30.19 30.34 30.15
30.07 29.47
15 Woods, Bill 12 Uticafrd-MI 4:54.62 4:55.59
26.78 28.74 29.51 29.77 30.29 30.37 30.64 30.54
30.16 28.79
16 Hinkson, Jim 11 Colts 4:56.49 4:55.63
26.45 28.49 29.56 30.05 29.92 30.42 30.49 30.61
29.82 29.82
17 Naud, Kevin 10 Pioneer 4:53.54 4:56.04
26.44 28.60 29.74 30.27 30.20 30.35 30.49 30.47
30.23 29.25
18 Boyea, Max 10 Pioneer 4:54.41 4:56.64
26.31 28.55 29.25 30.04 30.13 30.44 29.75 31.52
31.36 29.29
19 Ueda, Kuni 12 Hfhs 4:57.78 4:57.66
26.44 28.60 29.70 29.93 30.17 30.74 30.30 30.25
30.76 30.77
20 Dedow, Greg 12 Clkston-MI 4:57.27 4:58.78
26.08 28.23 28.96 30.08 30.41 30.95 30.92 31.35
31.29 30.51
21 Cruce, Mike 11 Spartans-MI 4:49.33 5:00.05
26.34 29.35 29.97 30.29 30.61 30.61 30.81 30.97
30.95 30.15
22 Kubitskey, Kyle 12 Hfhs 4:57.69 5:01.65
26.48 29.18 29.51 29.99 30.41 30.56 30.94 31.51
31.82 31.25
23 Doyle, Patton 11 Pioneer 4:57.60 5:02.49
26.86 29.36 30.40 30.29 30.51 31.07 31.13 32.03
30.91 29.93
Event 9 Boys 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
School Prelims Finals
A - Final
1 Northville High School-MI 'A' 1:27.84 1:26.57
1) Blickle, Brody 12 2) Kargula, Joe 12
3) Bardsley, Jon 12 4) Adams, Kyle 12
21.40 22.17 21.66 21.34
2 Grand Haven High School 'A' 1:27.78 1:26.88
1) Meade, Dan 12 2) Lintjer, Jason 12
3) Johnson, Erik 09 4) Heyblom, Jake 12
23.12 21.00 21.85 20.91
3 Ann Arbor Pioneer 'A' 1:28.01 1:27.88
1) Cole, Grant 10 2) Mrdalj, Nik 11
3) Magner, Thomas 12 4) Gauthier, Matt 11
22.41 22.17 21.63 21.67
4 Brother Rice Warriors 'A' 1:29.35 1:28.59
1) Zennedjian, Michael 12 2) Stetson, Kenny 12
3) Tamm, Brendan 10 4) Deaver, Brian 11
21.89 22.42 22.15 22.13
5 Hartland 'A' 1:28.67 1:28.86
1) Smith, Kyle 12 2) Konkle, Kevin 11
3) Havenhill, Jonathon 12 4) Ellett, Jesse 11
22.44 22.18 22.03 22.21
6 Ann Arbor Huron-MI 'A' 1:28.71 1:29.10
1) Thurston, Dan 12 2) Richardson, Pat 11
3) Nikam, Vinayak 12 4) Nemon, Nathan 11
22.25 21.99 22.45 22.41
7 East Kentwood 'A' 1:29.02 1:29.19
1) Helzer, Kyle 12 2) Jackson, Jordan 12
3) Garner, Jacob 12 4) Berlin, AJ 12
22.05 22.45 22.69 22.00
8 Saline High School Boys 'A' 1:29.35 1:30.16
1) Wu, Alex 11 2) Engelmeier, Jake 10
3) Wittig, Sam 10 4) Kung, Daniel 11
22.38 22.35 22.88 22.55
B - Final
9 Forest Hills 'A' 1:30.05 1:29.71
1) Mason, Ben D 11 2) Sugiyama, Matt 12
3) VonEhr, Kurt P 11 4) Mead, Derek 11
23.28 22.03 22.26 22.14
10 West Ottawa High School 'A' 1:30.94 1:29.96
1) Humberstone, Ken 12 2) Otto, Rich 12
3) Boersma, Nick 11 4) Anten, CJ 12
22.53 23.19 22.51 21.73
11 Stevenson HighSchool-MI 'A' 1:29.70 1:30.53
1) Behler, Chris 11 2) Marecki, Aaren 10
3) Scott, Ryan 11 4) Hermann, Kyle 12
23.24 22.22 22.54 22.53
12 Holt 'A' 1:30.68 1:30.62
1) Burgess, Zach 12 2) Thon, Danton 12
3) Lucas, Kyle 12 4) Robinson, Nate 12
22.78 22.87 22.49 22.48
13 Howell Highlanders 'A' 1:31.18 1:31.25
1) Palmer, Ethan 10 2) Palmer, Sean 10
3) Grabijas, Josh 11 4) Chapman, Brett 11
23.24 22.77 23.06 22.18
14 Brighton High School 'A' 1:31.42 1:31.52
1) Graetzel, Andrew 11 2) Szpuk, Greg 12
3) Lunau, Jacob 10 4) Griffith, Michael 10
22.82 23.19 22.40 23.11
15 Romeo High School-MI 'A' 1:31.67 1:33.15
1) Laurain, Tyler 11 2) Compeau, Devon 11
3) Hensel, Max 11 4) Raska, Derek 12
23.15 23.12 23.84 23.04
16 Monroe High Boys-MI 'A' 1:31.59 1:33.27
1) Adrian, Nicholas R 12 2) Sancrainte, Jase R 12
3) Wehner, Clint D 12 4) Schramm, Mark A 12
23.52 23.24 23.81 22.70
Event 9 Boys 200 Yard Freestyle Relay
School Seed Prelims
1 Grand Haven High School 'A' 1:28.16 1:27.78
1) Johnson, Erik 09 2) Lintjer, Jason 12
3) Meade, Dan 12 4) Heyblom, Jake 12
22.53 21.02 23.16 21.07
2 Northville High School-MI 'A' 1:29.09 1:27.84
1) Blickle, Brody 12 2) Kargula, Joe 12
3) Bardsley, Jon 12 4) Adams, Kyle 12
21.50 22.32 22.49 21.53
3 Ann Arbor Pioneer 'A' 1:30.30 1:28.01
1) Cole, Grant 10 2) Mrdalj, Nik 11
3) Magner, Thomas 12 4) Gauthier, Matt 11
22.41 22.10 21.69 21.81
4 Hartland 'A' 1:30.38 1:28.67
1) Smith, Kyle 12 2) Konkle, Kevin 11
3) Havenhill, Jonathon 12 4) Ellett, Jesse 11
22.50 22.09 22.03 22.05
5 Ann Arbor Huron-MI 'A' 1:31.59 1:28.71
1) Thurston, Dan 12 2) Richardson, Pat 11
3) Nikam, Vinayak 12 4) Nemon, Nathan 11
22.04 21.81 22.56 22.30
6 East Kentwood 'A' 1:30.07 1:29.02
1) Helzer, Kyle 12 2) Jackson, Jordan 12
3) Garner, Jacob 12 4) Berlin, AJ 12
21.90 22.68 22.55 21.89
7 Saline High School Boys 'A' 1:29.76 1:29.35
1) Duong, Justin 12 2) Engelmeier, Jake 10
3) Wittig, Sam 10 4) Wu, Alex 11
22.80 21.98 23.03 21.54
7 Brother Rice Warriors 'A' 1:29.04 1:29.35
1) Zennedjian, Michael 12 2) Stetson, Kenny 12
3) Tamm, Brendan 10 4) Deaver, Brian 11
21.90 23.04 22.38 22.03
9 Stevenson HighSchool-MI 'A' 1:30.65 1:29.70
1) Behler, Chris 11 2) Marecki, Aaren 10
3) Scott, Ryan 11 4) Hermann, Kyle 12
23.08 21.92 22.16 22.54
10 Forest Hills 'A' 1:30.13 1:30.05
1) Mason, Ben D 11 2) Sugiyama, Matt 12
3) VonEhr, Kurt P 11 4) Mead, Derek 11
23.15 22.24 22.47 22.19
11 Holt 'A' 1:30.90 1:30.68
1) Burgess, Zach 12 2) Thon, Danton 12
3) Lucas, Kyle 12 4) Robinson, Nate 12
23.01 22.63 22.52 22.52
12 West Ottawa High School 'A' 1:30.94 1:30.94
1) Humberstone, Ken 12 2) Otto, Rich 12
3) Boersma, Nick 11 4) Anten, CJ 12
22.72 22.50 23.09 22.63
13 Howell Highlanders 'A' 1:32.15 1:31.18
1) Chapman, Brett 11 2) Palmer, Ethan 10
3) Palmer, Sean 10 4) Grabijas, Josh 11
22.63 22.93 22.79 22.83
14 Brighton High School 'A' 1:30.99 1:31.42
1) Szpuk, Greg 12 2) Lunau, Jacob 10
3) Griffith, Michael 10 4) Graetzel, Andrew 11
23.45 22.41 23.51 22.05
15 Monroe High Boys-MI 'A' 1:31.24 1:31.59
1) Schultz, Jason T 12 2) Adrian, Nicholas R 12
3) Wehner, Clint D 12 4) Schramm, Mark A 12
23.13 23.00 23.19 22.27
16 Romeo High School-MI 'A' 1:32.40 1:31.67
1) Laurain, Tyler 11 2) Compeau, Devon 11
3) Hensel, Max 11 4) Raska, Derek 12
22.73 23.11 23.52 22.31
17 Rockford High School 'A' 1:31.24 1:31.74
1) Patino, Taque 12 2) Mette, Mike 12
3) Sakala, Andrew 11 4) Plank, Chase 12
24.04 22.55 22.80 22.35
18 Troy High School 'A' 1:31.40 1:31.79
1) Ault, Brian 12 2) Lin, Mike 11
3) Hinkson, Jim 11 4) Richter, Sam 11
23.10 23.02 22.77 22.90
19 Lake Orion 'A' 1:32.50 1:32.36
1) Simic, Petar 09 2) Slavin, Peter 12
3) Kullmann, David 12 4) Kibbe, Kyle 12
23.04 23.31 23.12 22.89
20 West Bloomfield High School 'A' 1:31.63 1:32.53
1) Greenman, Jordan 12 2) Forhan, Dan 12
3) Simon, Destin 11 4) Wang, Alex 12
23.71 23.25 22.65 22.92
21 South Lyon 'A' 1:32.60 1:33.33
1) Bohn, Nathan 12 2) Newcomb, Ben 12
3) Keeney, Ryan 11 4) Oxner, Adam 10
23.56 23.09 22.87 23.81
-- Grandville Boys Swimming-MI 'A' 1:30.96 DQ
1) Wynalda, Mike 10 2) Beld, Nate J 10
3) Rose, Andrew 12 4) Hoekstra, Sam T 11
22.75 22.43 22.40 20.93
Event 10 Boys 100 Yard Backstroke
Name Year School Prelims Finals
A - Final
1 Nichols, Robert 11 Pioneer 52.17 52.18
25.66 26.52
2 Barczak, MJ 12 Rice 52.69 52.37
25.70 26.67
3 Hesche, Nathan 11 Jhs 53.15 52.50
25.57 26.93
4 Keeler, Peter 12 Pioneer 53.31 52.84
25.80 27.04
5 Luke, Robert 12 Spartans-MI 53.65 53.44
25.75 27.69
6 Gorine, John 11 Huron-MI 53.44 53.56
26.10 27.46
7 Brabbins, Jim 12 Rice 54.06 54.41
26.47 27.94
8 Richardson, Pat 11 Huron-MI 54.83 54.82
26.41 28.41
B - Final
9 Duong, Justin 12 SHSB 55.11 54.38
26.02 28.36
10 Wynalda, Mike 10 Gville-MI 55.35 54.39
26.44 27.95
11 Toner, Michael 10 Huron-MI 55.21 54.98
26.68 28.30
12 Jankowski, Chet 11 SL 55.79 55.34
26.90 28.44
13 Numbers, Alex B 11 Forest Hills 56.03 55.93
27.10 28.83
14 Conger, Mike 12 Wildcats 55.84 56.11
27.08 29.03
15 Havenhill, Jonathon 12 Hartland 56.23 56.25
27.12 29.13
16 Ellett, Jesse 11 Hartland 56.68 57.41
27.91 29.50
Event 10 Boys 100 Yard Backstroke
Name Year School Seed Prelims
1 Nichols, Robert 11 Pioneer 53.27 52.17
25.89 26.28
2 Barczak, MJ 12 Rice 52.61 52.69
25.64 27.05
3 Hesche, Nathan 11 Jhs 53.36 53.15
25.83 27.32
4 Keeler, Peter 12 Pioneer 53.99 53.31
25.96 27.35
5 Gorine, John 11 Huron-MI 54.97 53.44
25.76 27.68
6 Luke, Robert 12 Spartans-MI 53.99 53.65
26.00 27.65
7 Brabbins, Jim 12 Rice 55.75 54.06
26.33 27.73
8 Richardson, Pat 11 Huron-MI 56.77 54.83
26.82 28.01
9 Duong, Justin 12 SHSB 55.05 55.11
26.35 28.76
10 Toner, Michael 10 Huron-MI 56.58 55.21
26.82 28.39
11 Wynalda, Mike 10 Gville-MI 54.64 55.35
27.04 28.31
12 Jankowski, Chet 11 SL 57.14 55.79
26.99 28.80
13 Conger, Mike 12 Wildcats 55.87 55.84
27.07 28.77
14 Numbers, Alex B 11 Forest Hills 56.90 56.03
27.34 28.69
15 Havenhill, Jonathon 12 Hartland 56.29 56.23
27.29 28.94
16 Ellett, Jesse 11 Hartland 56.76 56.68
27.53 29.15
17 Morgan, Matthew 11 Hlt 56.88 56.86
27.76 29.10
18 Muma, Brandon J 9 Forest Hills 57.18 56.97
27.73 29.24
19 Johnson, Erik 09 Grdhaven 57.17 57.00
27.28 29.72
20 Meister, Dan 12 Novi 57.24 57.19
27.34 29.85
21 Bergsma, Jason 10 Gville-MI 57.34 57.30
27.66 29.64
21 Davenport, Steven 12 Belleville Middl-MI 56.28 57.30
27.64 29.66
23 Mette, Mike 12 Rams 57.36 57.36
27.77 29.59
23 Rush, Jake 11 Clkston-MI 56.61 57.36
27.25 30.11
23 Lubisco, John 10 Mustangs-MI 57.00 57.36
27.75 29.61
26 Smith, Spencer 12 Rams 56.95 57.40
27.99 29.41
27 Sheppard, Greg 12 Mustangs-MI 57.05 57.50
28.01 29.49
28 Bielicki, Bryan 10 Spartans-MI 56.91 57.78
28.53 29.25
29 Keselring, Alex 12 Wbhs 57.14 57.99
27.69 30.30
30 Eubanks, Noah 12 Wbhs 57.16 58.81
28.39 30.42
31 Laurain, Tyler 11 Bulldogs-MI 57.25 58.91
27.99 30.92
Event 11 Boys 100 Yard Breaststroke
Name Year School Prelims Finals
A - Final
1 Zennedjian, Michael 12 Rice 58.28 57.86
27.43 30.43
2 Lintjer, Jason 12 Grdhaven 57.66 58.21
26.97 31.24
3 Greenland, Garrett 11 Eatrapid 59.31 58.96
27.65 31.31
4 Swain, Michael 11 Huron-MI 59.39 59.60
28.10 31.50
5 VonEhr, Kurt P 11 Forest Hills 1:00.24 1:00.36
28.44 31.92
6 Chodos, Ben 10 Hartland 1:00.39 1:00.61
28.29 32.32
7 Oxner, Adam 10 SL 1:00.39 1:00.65
28.65 32.00
8 Wingett, Joey 11 Spartans-MI 1:00.81 1:01.27
28.88 32.39
B - Final
9 Chodos, Will 12 Hartland 1:01.15 1:00.59
28.37 32.22
10 Ginebaugh, Brian 10 Rams 1:01.53 1:01.18
28.68 32.50
11 Stetson, Kenny 12 Rice 1:01.61 1:01.56
29.00 32.56
12 Kirbitz, Michael 12 Gbhs-MI 1:01.49 1:01.94
28.71 33.23
13 Chung, Joon 9 Novi 1:02.25 1:02.09
29.19 32.90
14 Chen, Sida 12 SLM 1:02.08 1:02.59
28.85 33.74
15 DeFauw, Matt 12 SHSB 1:02.23 1:02.66
28.95 33.71
16 Radtke, Josh B 12 CC-MI 1:02.26 1:02.76
29.20 33.56
Event 11 Boys 100 Yard Breaststroke
Name Year School Seed Prelims
1 Lintjer, Jason 12 Grdhaven 57.85 57.66
26.49 31.17
2 Zennedjian, Michael 12 Rice 1:00.20 58.28
27.47 30.81
3 Greenland, Garrett 11 Eatrapid 1:00.22 59.31
27.59 31.72
4 Swain, Michael 11 Huron-MI 1:00.02 59.39
28.06 31.33
5 VonEhr, Kurt P 11 Forest Hills 1:00.88 1:00.24
28.75 31.49
6 Chodos, Ben 10 Hartland 1:01.80 1:00.39
28.67 31.72
6 Oxner, Adam 10 SL 1:02.70 1:00.39
28.55 31.84
8 Wingett, Joey 11 Spartans-MI 1:00.80 1:00.81
28.51 32.30
9 Chodos, Will 12 Hartland 1:00.78 1:01.15
28.13 33.02
10 Kirbitz, Michael 12 Gbhs-MI 1:02.10 1:01.49
28.71 32.78
11 Ginebaugh, Brian 10 Rams 1:01.38 1:01.53
29.17 32.36
12 Stetson, Kenny 12 Rice 1:02.65 1:01.61
28.73 32.88
13 Chen, Sida 12 SLM 1:03.04 1:02.08
28.78 33.30
14 DeFauw, Matt 12 SHSB 1:02.78 1:02.23
28.99 33.24
15 Chung, Joon 9 Novi 1:03.28 1:02.25
29.13 33.12
16 Radtke, Josh B 12 CC-MI 1:02.69 1:02.26
29.08 33.18
17 Humberstone, Ken 12 West Ottawa 1:01.52 1:02.31
29.09 33.22
18 Champlin, Derek 9 Hartland 1:03.89 1:02.79
29.92 32.87
19 Clyde, Nick 10 Huron-MI 1:02.44 1:03.14
29.82 33.32
20 Szpunar, David 12 EK 1:03.39 1:03.19
29.01 34.18
21 Fisher, Mike 09 SHSB 1:02.86 1:03.21
30.12 33.09
21 Berlin, AJ 12 EK 1:02.32 1:03.21
29.83 33.38
23 Stone, Andy 10 SL 1:03.26 1:03.42
29.87 33.55
24 Mezes, George 12 Monroe-MI 1:03.56 1:03.83
30.15 33.68
25 Tenelshof, Alex J 12 BC 1:03.01 1:04.26
29.82 34.44
26 Simic, Petar 09 Lake Orion 1:03.86 1:04.80
30.38 34.42
Event 12 Boys 400 Yard Freestyle Relay
School Prelims Finals
A - Final
1 Ann Arbor Huron-MI 'A' 3:11.18 3:09.85
1) Thurston, Dan 12 2) Gorine, John 11
3) Swain, Michael 11 4) Berloth, Chris 12
22.68 46.92 22.56 47.42 23.23 48.53 22.41 46.98
2 Brother Rice Warriors 'A' 3:12.04 3:10.17
1) Zennedjian, Michael 12 2) Deaver, Brian 11
3) Brabbins, Jim 12 4) Barczak, MJ 12
23.04 47.54 22.80 48.35 22.62 47.41 22.09 46.87
3 Ann Arbor Pioneer 'A' 3:13.56 3:10.30
1) Keeler, Peter 12 2) Mrdalj, Nik 11
3) Gauthier, Matt 11 4) Nichols, Robert 11
23.07 47.74 22.83 48.40 22.72 47.50 22.41 46.66
4 Northville High School-MI 'A' 3:12.23 3:11.11
1) Bardsley, Jon 12 2) Adams, Kyle 12
3) Kargula, Joe 12 4) Blickle, Brody 12
22.96 48.01 22.65 47.72 22.82 48.88 22.10 46.50
5 Grandville Boys Swimming-MI 'A' 3:14.45 3:12.39
1) Rose, Andrew 12 2) Cole, Jeff 12
3) Wynalda, Mike 10 4) Hoekstra, Sam T 11
23.78 49.14 24.11 49.59 22.95 48.32 21.25 45.34
6 Forest Hills 'A' 3:14.74 3:14.33
1) Gifford, Kyle W 12 2) Krug, Jeremy 12
3) Mead, Derek 11 4) Harris, Taylor S 12
23.84 49.97 22.98 48.77 22.83 48.55 22.15 47.04
7 East Kentwood 'A' 3:17.53 3:16.81
1) Jackson, Jordan 12 2) Helzer, Kyle 12
3) Garner, Jacob 12 4) Berlin, AJ 12
24.04 50.00 22.96 48.28 23.56 49.95 22.90 48.58
8 Saline High School Boys 'A' 3:18.44 3:19.40
1) Duong, Justin 12 2) Wu, Alex 11
3) Wittig, Sam 10 4) Engelmeier, Jake 10
23.80 50.00 23.54 49.49 23.98 50.34 23.37 49.57
B - Final
9 Hartland 'A' 3:19.02 3:17.03
1) Konkle, Kevin 11 2) Smith, Kyle 12
3) Gubert, Phil 12 4) Ellett, Jesse 11
23.88 49.33 23.00 49.32 24.52 50.64 22.84 47.74
10 Holt 'A' 3:19.50 3:17.14
1) Burgess, Zach 12 2) Robinson, Nate 12
3) Thon, Danton 12 4) Lucas, Kyle 12
23.76 49.63 23.03 49.29 23.43 49.63 22.95 48.59
11 Stevenson HighSchool-MI 'A' 3:20.20 3:18.55
1) Behler, Chris 11 2) Marecki, Aaren 10
3) Hermann, Kyle 12 4) Cruce, Mike 11
23.84 50.91 23.30 49.36 23.23 49.60 22.93 48.68
12 West Ottawa High School 'A' 3:22.25 3:19.21
1) Anten, CJ 12 2) Blauw, Nate 12
3) Irvin, Jason 10 4) Humberstone, Ken 12
24.20 49.23 23.80 50.55 24.56 51.44 22.90 47.99
13 Rockford High School 'A' 3:21.15 3:19.76
1) Devries, Alex 10 2) Sakala, Andrew 11
3) Mette, Mike 12 4) Plank, Chase 12
24.50 51.36 23.25 49.35 24.00 50.39 22.91 48.66
14 Grand Haven High School 'A' 3:20.54 3:19.90
1) Baker, Zachary 11 2) Johnson, Erik 09
3) Meade, Dan 12 4) Beebe, Aaron 12
24.66 51.73 22.91 48.92 24.03 51.40 22.44 47.85
15 Troy High School 'A' 3:22.09 3:20.79
1) Hinkson, Jim 11 2) Eckhout, Emerson 10
3) Richter, Sam 11 4) Ault, Brian 12
24.78 50.66 24.13 51.05 23.66 50.15 22.94 48.93
16 Howell Highlanders 'A' 3:22.12 3:21.56
1) Chapman, Brett 11 2) Palmer, Ethan 10
3) Palmer, Sean 10 4) Grabijas, Josh 11
23.92 49.40 23.75 50.21 24.46 51.64 24.12 50.31
Event 12 Boys 400 Yard Freestyle Relay
School Seed Prelims
1 Ann Arbor Huron-MI 'A' 3:18.79 3:11.18
1) Thurston, Dan 12 2) Gorine, John 11
3) Swain, Michael 11 4) Berloth, Chris 12
23.06 47.65 22.94 47.97 23.56 48.73 22.30 46.83
2 Brother Rice Warriors 'A' 3:15.86 3:12.04
1) Zennedjian, Michael 12 2) Deaver, Brian 11
3) Brabbins, Jim 12 4) Barczak, MJ 12
23.20 47.87 22.93 48.60 22.46 47.31 22.55 48.26
3 Northville High School-MI 'A' 3:14.99 3:12.23
1) Bardsley, Jon 12 2) Adams, Kyle 12
3) Kargula, Joe 12 4) Blickle, Brody 12
23.07 48.28 23.02 48.16 23.27 49.10 22.10 46.69
4 Ann Arbor Pioneer 'A' 3:15.97 3:13.56
1) Keeler, Peter 12 2) Mrdalj, Nik 11
3) Gauthier, Matt 11 4) Nichols, Robert 11
23.71 48.79 23.10 48.68 22.82 47.25 23.37 48.84
5 Grandville Boys Swimming-MI 'A' 3:16.42 3:14.45
1) Rose, Andrew 12 2) Cole, Jeff 12
3) Wynalda, Mike 10 4) Hoekstra, Sam T 11
24.07 49.25 23.87 49.52 23.47 49.39 22.19 46.29
6 Forest Hills 'A' 3:16.74 3:14.74
1) Gifford, Kyle W 12 2) Krug, Jeremy 12
3) Mead, Derek 11 4) Harris, Taylor S 12
24.21 49.93 23.45 49.52 22.79 47.76 22.63 47.53
7 East Kentwood 'A' 3:16.64 3:17.53
1) Jackson, Jordan 12 2) Helzer, Kyle 12
3) Garner, Jacob 12 4) Berlin, AJ 12
24.25 50.34 23.00 48.24 23.85 49.93 23.52 49.02
8 Saline High School Boys 'A' 3:19.66 3:18.44
1) Engelmeier, Jake 10 2) Wittig, Sam 10
3) Wu, Alex 11 4) Duong, Justin 12
24.19 50.13 23.89 50.40 23.12 49.28 22.98 48.63
9 Hartland 'A' 3:21.59 3:19.02
1) Smith, Kyle 12 2) Konkle, Kevin 11
3) Gubert, Phil 12 4) Ellett, Jesse 11
24.37 51.34 22.98 48.54 24.37 50.17 23.37 48.97
10 Holt 'A' 3:20.39 3:19.50
1) Burgess, Zach 12 2) Robinson, Nate 12
3) Thon, Danton 12 4) Lucas, Kyle 12
24.09 50.09 23.24 50.00 23.30 49.91 23.21 49.50
11 Stevenson HighSchool-MI 'A' 3:21.92 3:20.20
1) Behler, Chris 11 2) Marecki, Aaren 10
3) Hermann, Kyle 12 4) Cruce, Mike 11
24.37 51.06 23.17 49.32 23.55 50.42 23.47 49.40
12 Grand Haven High School 'A' 3:16.00 3:20.54
1) Baker, Zachary 11 2) Johnson, Erik 09
3) Meade, Dan 12 4) Beebe, Aaron 12
24.26 51.35 23.16 49.22 24.16 52.04 22.28 47.93
13 Rockford High School 'A' 3:25.29 3:21.15
1) Devries, Alex 10 2) Sakala, Andrew 11
3) Mette, Mike 12 4) Plank, Chase 12
24.51 51.47 23.90 50.16 24.27 51.02 23.04 48.50
14 Troy High School 'A' 3:23.19 3:22.09
1) Hinkson, Jim 11 2) Eckhout, Emerson 10
3) Richter, Sam 11 4) Ault, Brian 12
24.57 50.51 24.42 51.85 24.37 50.86 23.23 48.87
15 Howell Highlanders 'A' 3:21.33 3:22.12
1) Chapman, Brett 11 2) Palmer, Ethan 10
3) Palmer, Sean 10 4) Grabijas, Josh 11
24.06 49.43 24.38 50.63 24.56 51.81 24.22 50.25
16 West Ottawa High School 'A' 3:20.48 3:22.25
1) Anten, CJ 12 2) Blauw, Nate 12
3) Irvin, Jason 10 4) Humberstone, Ken 12
24.70 51.22 23.69 50.14 23.96 51.50 23.67 49.39
17 Monroe High Boys-MI 'A' 3:22.29 3:22.53
1) Schultz, Jason T 12 2) Adrian, Nicholas R 12
3) Wehner, Clint D 12 4) Schramm, Mark A 12
23.97 50.83 23.90 50.37 24.71 53.11 23.20 48.22
18 West Bloomfield High School 'A' 3:21.81 3:23.19
1) Keselring, Alex 12 2) Eubanks, Noah 12
3) Forhan, Dan 12 4) Wang, Alex 12
24.49 51.37 24.11 50.98 23.70 49.87 24.18 50.97
19 Canton High School 'A' 3:23.85 3:23.69
1) Zhang, Richard 11 2) Karlinski, Kevin 12
3) Tolinski, Brandon 10 4) McGinnis, Chris 12
24.30 50.78 23.85 50.46 24.42 51.48 23.82 50.97
20 Clarkston Boys-MI 'A' 3:24.63 3:23.99
1) Curry, Adam 12 2) Stelpflug, Kenneth 09
3) Voorheis, Philip 12 4) Nelson, Robert 11
24.42 51.65 24.17 50.34 23.95 50.93 24.01 51.07
21 Harrison-Farmington Phoenix 'A' 3:23.32 3:24.31
1) Kubitskey, Kyle 12 2) Miller, Nate 12
3) Lederer, Matt 10 4) Ueda, Kuni 12
24.71 51.29 24.57 52.23 23.81 49.57 24.11 51.22
22 South Lyon 'A' 3:25.58 3:25.00
1) Bohn, Nathan 12 2) Showerman, Brent 12
3) Keeney, Ryan 11 4) Jankowski, Chet 11
24.82 52.99 24.70 51.56 23.76 50.70 23.75 49.75
23 Brighton High School 'A' 3:24.60 3:25.16
1) Graetzel, Andrew 11 2) Szpuk, Greg 12
3) Buck, Ryan 11 4) Lunau, Jacob 10
24.33 50.81 24.62 51.22 24.70 51.91 24.09 51.22
24 Catholic Central-MI 'A' 3:24.06 3:25.90
1) Wick, Mike J 10 2) Ansara, Nick L 12
3) Thibodeau, Tony C 10 4) Small, Brady 10
24.43 51.69 23.67 50.36 24.56 51.67 24.65 52.18
25 Royal Oak High School-MI 'A' 3:25.60 3:27.34
1) Krafft, Nathan 12 2) Bateman, Austin 10
3) Daniels, Jay 11 4) Wolfe, Loren 11
24.79 52.25 24.90 53.31 24.31 51.73 23.45 50.05
26 Kalamazoo Central High School-MI 'A' 3:24.79 3:27.77
1) Rauhoff, Justin 12 2) Williams, Griffin 12
3) Cunningham-Rhodes, Kyle 12 4) Green, James 12
24.87 51.65 25.23 53.58 23.82 50.98 24.22 51.56
27 Salem 'A' 3:25.30 3:30.69
1) Spala, Nathan 12 2) Collingwood, Matt 9
3) Chen, Sida 12 4) Seroka, Adam 9
24.96 52.09 25.13 53.63 25.09 54.77 24.21 50.20
28 Romeo High School-MI 'A' 3:25.63 3:31.20
1) Compeau, Devon 11 2) Hensel, Max 11
3) Ruman, Matt 10 4) Laurain, Tyler 11
23.98 50.65 25.10 54.13 25.47 54.17 24.47 52.25
Event 13 Men 100 Yard Butterfly Swim-off
Name Year School Seed Finals
- Swim-off
1 Garner, Jacob 12 EK NT 53.74
25.25 28.49
2 Devries, Alex 10 Rams NT 54.13
25.18 28.95
Combined Team Scores - Through Event 13
1. Ann Arbor Huron 279 2. Ann Arbor Pioneer 260
3. Grand Haven High School 188 4. Brother Rice Warriors 170
5. Forest Hills 161 6. Northville High School 153
7. Hartland 128.5 8. East Kentwood 123
9. Saline High School Boys 113 10. Grandville Boys Swimming 109
11. Stevenson HighSchool 68 12. Romeo High School 59
12. Holt 59 14. South Lyon 45
15. West Ottawa High School 39 16. Monroe High Boys 35
17. Eisenhower High School Boys 32 18. Grand Blanc High School 28
19. Kearsley-Davison 27 20. Byron Center 26.5
21. Rockford High School 26 21. Howell Highlanders 26
23. Troy High School 18 23. Eaton Rapids/Charlotte 18
25. Salem 17 26. Jackson High School 16
27. West Bloomfield High School 14 27. Kalamazoo Central High School 14
29. Harrison-Farmington Phoenix 13 30. Plymouth High School 12
31. Novi High School 10 32. Brighton High School 6
33. Anchor Bay High School 5 34. Grand Ledge High School 2
35. Catholic Central 1 35. Henry Ford II 1
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