Discussion, observations and notes about Swimming and Diving in and around Macomb County


Why do we need a Macomb County Swimming and Diving Blog?

With five divisions and 28 teams (in the MAC), it not possible for one person to keep up with the accomplishments of the athletes and the teams in Macomb County.

This brings up an additional point. I would like this blog to cover the teams that compete in Macomb County. Almost all of the Macomb County based swimming and diving teams compete in the MAC. Therefore, we will be covering some Oakland, Wayne and St Clair County teams as well. We also have De La Salle located in Macomb County, so we need to make sure they are included as well.

I am not trying strictly portray Macomb County Swimming and Diving from only my perspective. To that end, I am looking for contributors from all five Divisions and also from DLS. Even better would be a correspondent from each team that would post a recap of the previous weeks meets, outstanding practices or events.

I will also try to include links to sites that cover Macomb County and MAC sports and Athletes.

Enough for now - I have to go prepare milk and cookies for Santa (yes my boys believe in Santa) - note the first post on this Blog was Dec 24th 2007


please note: this blog has been up for over a year now, and I have never had to moderate or delete comments, until now. I will be happy to return to an uncensored forum, when some of the children that have posted recently, learn some manners.

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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Region 4-2 BG 11 17 09

    Rank    Order    Diver    Team    Prelims    Semis    Finals

    1    23    Emma Brown    Birmingham Groves    184.40    281.45    390.00

    2    16    Ellen Strawsine    Brownstown Woodhaven    166.65    252.00    341.30

    3    19    Kelly Frazier    Birmingham Seaholm    159.65    242.50    334.55

    4    17    Ali Gelman    Farmington Hills Harrison    168.75    259.70    330.30

    5    2    Jacqueline Kendall    Birmingham Seaholm    150.20    229.55    306.45

    6    24    Emily Gorkiewicz    Brownstown Woodhaven    141.85    219.20    297.10

    7    22    Kristen Mckelvey    North Farmington    143.60    235.70    293.25

    8    21    Gretchen Geist    Birmingham Groves    149.75    220.85    291.40

    9    20    Emily Goldston    Sterling Heights    145.20    216.85    285.85

    10    9    Stephanie Sanders    Farmington Hills Harrison    145.35    223.55    283.85

    11    4    Lena Schneewind    North Farmington    118.60    203.60    263.20

    12    6    Amy Bell    Farmington    127.35    199.15    260.70

    13    18    Madi Kaiser    Grosse Pointe South    124.95    181.50    246.00

    14    12    Katie LeVan    Grosse Pointe South    112.30    173.35    228.25

    15    1    Jacqueline Williams    Lakeview    105.70    176.75    227.05

    16    7    Taylor Marosi    Allen Park    112.35    174.35    221.80

    17    15    Diana Levandowski    Farmington Hills Mercy    105.45    168.50

    18    10    Aly Delaney    Grosse Pointe North    112.00    165.70

    19    3    Lily Parker    Grosse Pointe South    100.95    156.15

    20    14    Destiny Hagen    Wyandotte Roosevelt    99.40    147.85

    21    5    Casey Belbak    Fraser    99.00

    22    13    Paige LaCasse    Dearborn    97.35

    23    8    Carson Gwizdz    Birmingham Groves    94.45

    24    11    Melanie Mangiapane    Dearborn Edsel Ford    83.25

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